[EN] [en] Understand consent with the help of a cup of tea


Père Castor
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I found that on facebook this morning. The video is in english without subtitle, but it's easily understood.

consensual sex is explained in a way that even the simplest of minds will understand. By replacing sex with a cup of tea, this crudely-drawn short offers a very clear picture of what “saying yes” looks like.

Now I'm craving for a good cupper. Will you join me? Shall I be mother? One or two spoons of sugar and a little cloud of cream?

Nice video by the way, it's just a pitty that the guy doing the commentary is a yank. You don't make tea, you brew tea.
Whoa ! It's really cool and simple ! Thanks for sharing. :)
Tea is not a subject on which people have been used to accept hypocritical arguments so it's easier to show how absurd it is to think, for example, that someone who wanted something once must want it all the time.
On the "Little Green Island" next to France a cup of tea is the answer to everything
C'est une version en français (ce qui est cool pour les non-anglophones) mais ça n'est pas la version originale puisqu'elle cite comme source un article de rockstar dinosaur pirate princess qui est également citée dans la vidéo.
Une tentative suédoise (traduite en français) d'explication du consentement, à titre de comparaison. J'ai une large préférence pour la vidéo du thé, je sais pas pourquoi, j'arrive pas bien à mettre le doigt dessus :whistle:

Oops, sorry, I actually thought we were on "prix de la remarque sexiste". I was wondering why would people suddenly start to speak in English on this thread.

If you want to cut and paste the following translation of my previous post then:
Here is a Swedish attempt (translated into French) to explain consent. I do prefer the tea one though, but not quite sure why. Kind of hard to narrow it down :whistle:
thanks for sharing the video